Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream
"Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream" has moved to a new and better place where unicorns roam free and the layout is much slicker! CLICK HERE to redirect to the new site. Please update your links and bookmarks. If you are looking for a specific post, check the new website!!

Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream

Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream will serve as a blog for me to share my thoughts and musings, with a special emphasis on music. The music that will appear in this blog is for evaluation/sampling purposes only, and is designed to promote up and coming bands. Remember, if you like the artist(s), buy the CD! If you are the owner of a sound file and would like it removed, please contact us and we will kindly take it down.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Meet Demetri Martin. Person

This isn't really music-related (although if you watch the whole thing, you'll realize Martin's pretty proficient with the piano/harmonica/guitar) but I find it too hilarious to pass up. Enjoy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see another Toms River High School North person getting credit who isn't name Piper Perabo...not that she isn't a lovely person...I really do think it's true: there IS something in our water!

4:22 PM  

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